Become a BabyGoRound Volunteer

April 30, 2019 • Media

BabyGoRound is a volunteer run organization. We rely on volunteers to help us serve our clients, sort gear donations, replenish our store shelves and run gear collection campaigns. There are so many ways to get involved.

Client Service (Store Volunteers):

As a volunteer working on our store floor, the volunteers work directly with clients to help them choose items for their babies. The shifts are 2 hours in length, either 10am-12pm or 12-2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at least once a month.   

Sorters & Replenishers:

As a sorter/replenisher, the volunteers have the ultimate flexibility and may work anytime during the Tuesday & Thursday open hours (9:30-2:30). Their role is to sort and tidy donated gear. Additionally, sorters are welcome to bring a friend or two for their shift.

Gear Collection Campaigns:

This is an opportunity to work within your community to collect gently used gear for BabyGoRound. We rely on donations from the community to supply our clients with the essentials for caring for their babies and young children. To run a campaign, the volunteer checks our list of items in need, shares the information with their community, collects the items and delivers them to BabyGoRound.

Consistency is very important to us in running the facility, so we are looking for volunteers who can commit to a minimum of one year.

If you are interested, please email [email protected] with your name, telephone number, desired start date, availability details and which role you are interested in volunteering for. We will contact you to invite you to an orientation session which we run monthly.


I would like to volunteer at BabyGoRound but would have to bring my baby. Is that OK?

Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate babies at the facility due to the busy nature of the facility. When we are open for client appointments we like our volunteers to be focused on supporting our clients and the children they may be bringing with them. Many of the families we serve have other children that come along to the appointment.

I would like to volunteer at BabyGoRound but I work during the week. Do you have any weekend opportunities?

Yes, we are open the last Saturday of every month for Donation Saturday from 10am – 1pm. We welcome volunteers to join us on those Saturdays to help receive gear, sort, replenish the facility and other important tasks that keep our organization running. Donation Saturdays are also open to Grade 9 students and above who require volunteer hours for school. Simply email us at [email protected] and we will let our Saturday leader know to expect you.

May I bring a friend to volunteer?

Of course! Either join our store-client volunteer program together to share a regular shift (our volunteers work in our store in groups of 2) which means we will schedule you together or, work as a sorter/replenisher. As a sorter/replenisher, you have the flexibility of bringing a different friend each time you work if you choose as you will be working directly with them to give them direction.

If you still have a question that we didn’t cover, please email us with any volunteering inquiries at [email protected]

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