Continuing Education + a Mom of Four | Rudi’s Story

November 8, 2021 • Media

Meet this extraordinary mother, Rudi. After moving to the Lower Mainland in 2018 from Kamloops, Rudi met her partner, Leonard, at school and they immediately made a connection. Both parenting independently, they soon blended their families and in 2020 welcomed Baby Lily to their family.

Rudi is a proud mom of four girls and currently a Health Care Assistant who is continuing her education to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. When sharing her experience about furthering her education while parenting three older girls and a newborn over this past year, which is truly incredible, Rudi remains positive.

The shift to virtual classes allowed her to keep up with her studies from home while Baby Lily slept or joined in on the classes from her bouncy seat or exersaucer.

Although she was initially unsure about taking this next step to further her professional education, it was Rudi’s mother who encouraged her to do so, and so she has now courageously taken that step.

After several years of parenting independently, Rudi shared how helpful it is that everyone in her family pitches in to help out. Whether that’s one of her older daughters taking the time to play with Lily so she can focus on school work or taking some time for self-care, or her partner coming home after work to cook and clean up, she is grateful to have a supportive family at home.

Rudi’s family is also very intentional about making sure to get outside as a family and create opportunities for family fun together. We were so glad to be able to provide baby items to Rudi’s family to help ease this transition of welcoming a baby home while Rudi continued her studies, as well as free up financial resources for their family to do outings and create memories. As her older girls had long outgrown their baby items, all items were needed once again for Baby Lily and we were happy to supply them.

“I’m just happy that my kids are happy. Receiving the baby items helped my family in so many ways; from all the costly expenses of a newborn to being able to support my other children also.

I forgot how much diapers babies go through and how much you spend! We were able to get all our baby’s needs met and make sure nothing had to be cut from our small budget. It makes us all unbelievably happy to have this type of support out there. It was a big deal getting everything in like new condition without having all the costly expenses behind it.”

We asked Rudi to share what future she hopes to create for herself and for her family — this is what she told us:

“I am wanting to further my education to help support my growing family. The nursing program is my next step for myself, and my partner will further his training too. I want to be a nurse — I’ve been in health care since 2014 and I know I can do this job too. I’ll be happy and proud when I finish. I hope to be making more money and putting it towards a house instead of paying rent, which is so high here.”

We are so glad to have met Rudi, and her family, and to have been able to help support her by providing essential baby items as she furthers her education and her family transitioned to becoming a family of six. We know that she, Leonard, and their daughters will do amazing things as they continue to work together, have fun, and achieve their goals.

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