BabyGoRound has a network of Community Champions across the Lower Mainland that accept donations in their communities.
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BabyGoRound Origin Story
BabyGoRound was founded by Jennifer Randall Nelson and first opened its facility doors in October 2012. As a mother of three, Jennifer was looking for a place to donate her gently used items so other mothers and children could enjoy the same experience she had when first having children. Unfortunately, there was no such place, … Continued
BabyGoRound Impact Video 2024
BabyGoRound Impact BabyGoRound’s mission is to support under-resourced families across the Lower Mainland by providing resources and essential baby gear so they can safely care for their babies and toddlers and are equipped and empowered to thrive. Helping families welcome their babies isn’t just about the items we provide; it’s about understanding their hopes, preparing … Continued
Top 10 Requested Baby Gear Items
Every parent knows that there are just certain things that make or break a day caring for your baby. There are essentials, and then there are essentials. Getting out of the house, being able to take a shower or prepare a meal – these are the daily activities that your gear donations (and financial donations) … Continued
Supporting Ukrainian Families Arriving to Vancouver
As increasing numbers of women and children fleeing violence in the Ukraine arrive to Vancouver, the turn to offer up practical support is now ours. Following the example of the many parents in Poland who left strollers and other baby items at train stations for families arriving from the Ukraine, we are committed to meeting … Continued